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Derricks Christmas Relay Fun Gala

The Otters ‘Elf in chief ’ Derrick, AKA our coach arranged a fantastic fun filled final end of year gala on Weds 19th Dec, 5 teams competed for the honour of being ‘just simply fabaroo’ and gaining the most points over the 18 events.

The teams were
The Sledgers, in Lane 4
The Blue Penguins, in Lane 3
The Elves, in Lane 2
The Snowpeople, in Lane 1
The Burnley Elves, in Lane 5

After a very exciting nights racing the scores were in..
The Sledgers won with 64 points
The Blue Penguins came second with 58 points
The Elves came third with 51 points
The Snowpeople came fourth with 49 points
The Burnley Elves came fifth with 48 points

At the end of the evening Derrick awarded some special trophies to swimmers who had impressed him over the events 18 races.
Back crawl stamina and endurance trophy winner Amelia Bailey
Best Fly away arms winner Sam Houghton
Most streamlined dive winner Saskia Hargreaves
Best off to a ‘flyer’ (went to soon) winner Katie Ackers
Best team head bobber winner Eliza Ward
Biggest doggy paddle smile winner Jasmine Wilkinson
Most gymnastic tumble turns (mid way down pool) winner Thomas Dignan
Fastest otter twistler (you had to be there!) winner Finlay Wallace
Streamline paddle steamer stroke winner Lucy Ackers
Fantastic ‘Tea Pot’ & backstroke arms winner Cameron King
Best ankle grabber (again you had to be there!!) Holly Slater.

Thank you to all our Otter swimmers who attended on the night, you all swam brilliantly and your coaches are proud to be able to coach you, the future for the Otters club looks very promising, as we have a fantastic bunch of promising young competitive swimmers currently training at the Otters.